Enhance your text on social media

Craft unique content, be visible in people's feed and increase your engagement!

What is it?

Did you know you can add style to your social post text without paying?
TxtShapr is a Chrome extension where your control how your texts appear.
Craft your content easily and increase your chance to to be more seen in social feeds!


Use Bold to highlight your title and catch readers attention when they scroll their feed.

Use Italic to quote, show less important information or give more precise definition.

And Strike your text to show updated information or inform readers of wrong idea.

How to style your content?

Copy/Paste input text

1. Type your text
2. Choose the style formats
3. Copy the result by clicking the button
4. Paste it!

Or select your text and replace it!

1. Type your text
2. Choose the style formats
3. Copy the result by clicking the button
4. Paste it!

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